«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: chemm ARGH!! BURN IT BURN IT.. *i dont want it*

Sunday, May 21, 2006

chemm ARGH!! BURN IT BURN IT.. *i dont want it*

righto.. according to tutor there is about seventy!!! pages of memory work to be done if you want to ace the exam..

i really didnt' think it was that much..but once i started to revise .CRAP!! He aint lying *sob*
so.. yep.. neglecting all subjects and focusing on chem.. really bad i know..but it can't be helped.

Came back from neap revision session today.. ach.. MISSED THE TRAIN!! .. so got dad to drive ^^

9am - 1pm.. waH.. v. brief lecture skimming past everything in Unit 3. That guy made it sound so easy . .well..easy to get 75% as he stated we are all capable of.. but what about 90%?? Ach.. a lot of work to be DONE!. . People that i found out also attended were adrian on, andrew lam, lizzie, amy, alex and jason.. at least i think that was his name ><

after that i went to comic book store and manga stores..filming for media.. darn asians.. they are so camera shy.. so i interviewed the westerner who had no idea how anime came lol. that will just have to do ^^

now just gotta figure out how ta import footage on this computer.. i think i'm missing cables -_-

righto ..must rest.. soo tired..


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