«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: ohla 2014!!!!

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

ohla 2014!!!!

what an incredible year it has been.
I dare say, I have not learnt as much as I have in my entire life than that of what was compressed into the last year alone. (hmmm bad grammar) 

it felt like this...
Estatic by madheinrichs2
experiences that made it crazy good and crazy bad , and to name a few

- roadtrip, driving friends to sydney and back
- conquered another year of full time work
- got promoted to manager
- conflict resolution
- incidents with police
- car crash
- new glasses bye bye ferrero rocher branded red frames 
- loosing a friend
- sent frank for an ultrasonic bath + clean ^^"
- party party partiessssss til the dawn
- look like i have lost weight =/
- still stuck in the middle of psalms ><
- cut my hair short for the last time
- made new friends

so each year a bit of reflecting and also a forecast....

ironic turns and twists

So go live and tread wisely

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