«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Jesus scrutiny

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Jesus scrutiny

so what we know about Jesus Christ is recorded down in the Bible and easily accessible today in Western society. Events are also recorded via other Jewish scholars and non-religious historians of the time. Of course context would be important aka. taking the entire Bible into consideration and all that parts that talk about Jesus' actions and words for a complete analysis.

But today I just want to ponder on the following.
1. Jesus is a character of human history, he existed, was born of woman and wandered around, most likely walked around everywhere
2. therefore, being born of women he would have had an earthly father, mother and later we find out he also had siblings, or ya can say step-brothers/sisters...

and this is where we take the off ...Mark 3:31 - 35

31 Then Jesus’ mother and brothers arrived. Standing outside, they sent someone in to call him. 32 A crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, “Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you.”
33 “Who are my mother and my brothers?” he asked.
34 Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! 35 Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”

Okay, so the context/what happened prior is - here is this Jesus character running around from one side of the Sea of Galilee /Jordan River to another, going from place to place teaching, healing, amazing crowds and also causing havoc, via attracting followers and enemies alike with authoritative tone.

hmm.. lets see, does verse 33 just slightly peeve you off? >.>
Jesus' family ties were outside/looking for Him and he pretty much responds like a rebellious teenager "who the heck are you?" *disowned* followed by a later comment, pointing to the crowd/gathering of people in front of him stating -  actually you know what? they (once strangers) are my family.

Interestingly, the response of the family to hearing those words are not included. Or maybe those words never reached them, through a potential thick crowd. But nevertheless, he said it =P
First clue - their response wasn't the most significant part of the story.

The bible doesn't mention much about Jesus' family connection but focuses on another event.
lol. you bet... the obvious - Himself. In particular what he came to do and why - sent into the world to die on a cross, in place of the punishment mankind deserved, being the ultimate substitution sacrifice for our rebellion(sin) against God, so what we may be set free from the punishment of death, to live a life in Christ who resurrected, conquering death.
A guy coming in and constantly talking about his own death and resurrection. Hmm. egotistic/semi emo/glorious much? But in an ironic way, since his words and actions explain that drawing close to Him means drawing closer/getting to know God the Father personally (who is it seems is invisible in the sense that he doesn't have a physical bodily presence). Kinda like a messenger on a mission. (lol, at those cringing when reading this, yes I'm bypassing the Triune God factor completely =P, story for another day)

If I was his half brother or sister I would probably be quite pissed off, maybe a tad embarrassed or even maybe a little ashamed if I was to seek approval of man. Why? Because, this guy is claiming to be God?!?! and telling me how to live my life?!?! - saying he is the only way to God. He is my brother literally! and I would have pushed him around in the dirt growing up, I would have been there seeing him eat at the dinner table..or something along those lines. Interesting eh?

Another response could be woah. I never need to go to a doctor again since Jesus has freakishly good mutant elixir powers. He raises gives sight to the blind, restores the paralyzed and even raises people from the dead! Check out my bro, he is AWESOME!

Funnily enough, these were the opinions of the crowds around Jesus. Either he was crazy, at times accused of being devil possessed (Mark 3:20-22) or awed (Mark 2:12)

How do you respond?
More importantly... why?

Anyways, so here are some thought conclusions_

a. Clearly Jesus was very focused and concerned regarding people 'following God and doing His will'
b. Jesus didn't really give one group of people priority over others, in the sense that he was willing to teach and preach to all those that were willing to hear
c. his "family" are those who love God and share his world view
d. He didn't waste his time with the stubborn

e. He can be quite frank
f. There is much haste, he was eager to get his message across to people, instructing his disciples to then go make disciples of all nations
g. that means the work of spreading his claimed Good News doesn't stop at himself..and tickles down to us today also 0_0!!

Hmm. in a world where family and loved ones and love" are probably placed at a utmost importance in one's life aka. husband, wife, kids etc etc. Like it seems loneliness is troubling humans and when they progress through life. "Family" is that traditional final step, that supposed solution (side note: if everyone was like me, it would literally be the end of the world as it would mean no procreating lewl)
Jesus is concerned with something far far exponentially greater than "family" relations. He wanted his listeners to have a personally everlasting relationship with God and for those to believed to demonstrate this. Live it out! Love God , love others.

interesting eh? Challenging no doubt >.>

...now that I think i about it. I mistitled this post. it should just be Jesus thought splat lol.

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