«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: GRADUATION POST!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011


FINALLY ive frikin graduated from five years of torment (minus 6months of bliss in berkeley =P )

(a lot of) PHOTOS OF PPLZ!!!!yay GRACEwooot ALAN!!!
my uni
poncho ups
yer these photos aren't in order=P

woohoo. church friends

congradz YIN HUI!
congradz LUCIA!!
whee!! first year second year buddies!
Australia's finest graduates lewl
ohla an archway =P
outside the archway =P

thanks vincema for photosnapping =P
melbourne uni doesn't give you hats GRRRRR
yay thian~!
elaine as promised =]
i think that guy was in one of my classes
arts - blue
science - green
thanks sis for carrying my stuffs
and again. the finiest graduates haha =P
is such a joke seriously XD
im blue in a sea of green. in the second row from the front =Pwhee. i didnt fall =P
oh fancy bumping into you!
papers papers papers
enter the fun stuff. haha
melb uni has lots of old buildings
damn straight, four majors and unemployed =P

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