«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: AWESOME WEEKEND AWAY with Dr. Kock, Mayura and Susie

Friday, December 16, 2011

AWESOME WEEKEND AWAY with Dr. Kock, Mayura and Susie

righto, so probably nobody except my close friends (bwhahah victor i used the words close friends =P) knew that i dashed to sydney for a few days to catch up with Berkeley friends. ^^

picture post_
yay tiger airways.
as i predicted.
got to sydney on time
return to melbourne massively delayed hahaa
victoria from there air was prettier than sydney.
sydney is so densely packed with residential areas
oh and some pretty mountains
Circular Quay
opera house
markets markets markets! love em!
Pancake at the Rocks
beats Pancake parlour
hmmm...food is sydney is more filling, bigger servings,
but more expensive >.>
popular entertainment, of shoving kids into plastic bubbles,
seeing how long they can stand up in the portable pool
before falling.
it was weird. but we saw these places near most public spaces
Manly BEACH!
i think i got tanned lol
just a tad.
a haphazard attempt after an impulse by of a sandcastle kit
to reconstruct the iconic Sydney landscape
getting rid of all the sand from manly beach
cant go to sydney without seeing the opera house right!?
did you know it was designed by the Danish!
intersting.... Anders do you feel right at home? hehe

crappy photo from sydney towerHyde Park is one sixth of its equivalent in London
still pretty nevertheless
i have an obsession with the moon
and poor camera to take pics. we caught the lunar eclipse from
Mayura's house! sickkk.
But my friend Joël Thai on the other side of the world @ Berkeley took FANTASTIC PICS!
SF skyline. siiiiiccccck
heard the sound of fireworks and ran towards them.
lasted quite a while!
and we had no idea for what occasion =P
Darling Harbour i think
Light projections on St Mary's Cathedral
really pretty! i wonder if Melbourne's light projections on St Paul's
is just as fascinating.
anyone wanna come with to check it out?

me being stupid but fascinated by double decker trains in sydney and their seats!
ps. melbourne get your public transport act together =P
The Three Sisters @ Blue mountains

very peacefullunch ^^
some office building
inside queen something building lol
the fattest wombat i've ever seen 0_0!
anders thought it was a pig or some kind hahaha
hehe creepy bats movie poster starring mayura =P
this was rather impressive. koala sleeping despite just 5 metres away or so,
are the clubs and bars of Sydney's harbours. (you can see apartments in the background)
And they were blasting horrible music extremely loudly.
I guess they have adapted to clubbing noises XD
woohoo ride home ^^
thanks dd.

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