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Tuesday, November 01, 2011

monica stop taking up my table space >: [

on the side_
waiting for random casual job position call today
i can't believe i applied for a job, wrote a decent cover letter
adressing my interest in a position that wasn't the job at all. =.="

and they still invited me to the assessment centre.
*head desk*
i thought the position offered was for the one the guy who actually interviewed me held.
gah. i have a habit of going to job interviews and saying
"actually you know what
I want YOUR position"
the science lady stopped asnwering my emails Y_Y
she probably got freaked out when i went to an expo just to talk to her about her job
rather than paying attention to any of the exhibits >.>

applied for two jobs for next year
a. full time advising
b. art internship at a gallery ^^

shall be interesting....
if i get any ...

another thought.
i'm just assuming here that i get into grad school when
I get unlucky with the job apps.
but realistically i could end up with
no job
no grad school

hehe..that would piss my folks off so much
but i secretly want it to travel hehehe.

job splat_

i dunno man..
do you really want to end up looking like that.
kinda zombie faced. =/



Blogger sisterr enkst said...

hahaha! the only thing about travel, is that in most circumstances, it costs moola! Unless you work abroad!

2:58 PM  

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