«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Haywire

Thursday, November 10, 2011


New film coming out and The Hollywood Report has a bottom line of
Martial arts maestra Gina Casrano convincingly kicks considerable ass in Steven Soderbergh's engaging action lark.

a covert operative who proceeds to whup a succession of macho leading men in addition to assorted anonymous foes

release date: my birthday ^^

hmmm..im taking a study break. so watched the trailer without sound in the comp labs.
looks interesting.
a female lead kicking ass apart form Angelina Jolie is a nice change.
plus this appears way less fancy, and half the fight scenes are done without stunt doubles or cheat editing. hmmm..raw. i like. lol

As solid as all the male actors are, in the end the show belongs to Soderbergh, who took a risk with a largely untested leading lady, and Carano, whose shoulders, and everything else, prove plenty strong enough to carry the film. The director shrewdly determined what she could and perhaps couldn’t do, and she delivered with a turn that makes other actresses who have attempted such roles, no matter how toned and buff they became, look like pretenders.

action - ticked
story - ???

shall watch and see

on the side_

what are YOU doing tomorrow

11/11/11 11:11



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