«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: summary of no jetlagness =] day 1/2

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

summary of no jetlagness =] day 1/2


im once again in the laundry room using free computers coz im too lazy to take the elevator upstairs to level 3.

MY GOSH! people at IHouse know everyone. I still feel like a vistor at the residental hall and i'm just a fall on the wall that says hi and waves. XD

well dinner last night was at Smart Alex's which is some fast food joint that serves massive servings ..geez.. i seriously cant finish meals in America XD. how do they eat all that. I ate with 9 other people I'd just met, of which 8 were guys hahhahaa. that do engineering. engineering and the name martin seem popular here. Met Lucas from Maccau who is also into alternative films and has seen ONCE~! Akito is from Japan and knows the places since he's been here for a semester already.

its weird. they kept staring at me during dinner. no one also understood when i made the comment to the guy on the left "Wow you devoured your dinner, so quick!" they were just blanked faced and made me repeat myself four times Y_Y "de-voouu-red" meaning eat really quickly? dang . okay i think i will lay low on the slang for now XD

OhOHOH! and the guy who's name i forgot of which i sat next to at dinner got an INTERNSHIP WITH FACEBOOK! or at facebook however ya say it. wow. cool. computer science major.

the guys when to play poker whilst i slept. the beds are TOO SOFT. i think i need to buy a plank of wood. ugh so sore. its just a piece of foam >.>

"people here study hard and party hard" - Akito

I'm already dreading the studying hard portion. ugh. they are so hardcore XD

woke up. room mate still hasn't returned from her adventures. so i still dunno where to put my stuff.

bumped into elaine today (happenstance ftw) and she drove me around town to something ghetto? i dunno. and had awesome pizza. gave me a mini tour of the uni and it turns out all my classes are literally in the SAME room. weird. never realised. 10am-9pm in the SAME ROOM. lol. there are two main libraries which are connected buildings via an underground passage.

wandered up a bell tower and i dunno if i want to take that bell class anymore. the bells look incredibly difficult to play. but from the top you can see the Golden gate bridge, Alcatraz however ya spell it, the Bay, the hill you were talking about Andy of which would be a ridiculous hike just to the obervatory and more etc etc.

i asked someone for directions and they immediately responded with "Are you from Australia?"
0______0 they recognised my accent straight away. creepy, turns out he is from australia too.

and it was a decent one bwahahahhaa.
on the side_
they fill the toilets with lots of water here
cold showers at home help,. im not cold here and people
think im crazy coz i'm from Australia and should be cold coz i
came from summer.
i offended the airport officer by accidentally calling them a security guard Y_Y
it gets back at 5pm Y_Y
the uni is on a massive hill (15min walk). ugh. i need to walk everywhere
need to buy a kettle



Anonymous monica said...

lol i remember the toilets half filled with water...they are weird

11:46 AM  
Anonymous Tracy said...

Trust you to make friends with heaps of guys :P I am curious as to how your roommate turns out, she's being incredibly mysterious.
Hope you don't feel too lonely, and don't lose your Australian accent!

12:18 PM  
Blogger sisterr enkst said...

you make being a fob sound AWESOME!

1:03 AM  

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