«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: study break

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

study break

casting call

lewl.. anyone want to do it? =P

prize: be 1 in 3 pplz to be in the tv commerial for stabilo and a $1500 MasterCard GiftCard

And all you have to answer is :

“What is your favourite colour, and what does it say about you?”

in a video response of course =P

i love answering that question in group interviews.. coz everyone is the generic yellow for happy, or orange coz its bright and outstanding, red coz its dramatic and bold, or blue because it's calming..

im almost always the only to choose white...then you get the sideway glances from fellow potential workmates pondering..is white even a colour? lewll...

Competition closes 11:59pm AEST 16th July, 2010. Open to Australian residents aged 18-23. Winners must be available for the TV commercial shoot date on Saturday 31st July, 2010 and present purchase receipt

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