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Thursday, June 10, 2010

house update_

moved in a while ago to noble park north.. well more like back to it.. coz i was there in my primary school years

the upgrading of stuff is ridiculously slow! hopefully ya guys can come over to visit after exams.. or maybe a mont or two after exams.

today we are getting our curtains fixed =]
problem: the timber is weak.. curtains are heavy >.> ""

my toilet is fixed =] although it doesn't flush efficiently
toilet fan is not fixed =.=" which is a pain coz its next to my room ..stinky ._."

bathroom, shower fixed up, sink fixed,
but walls not, needs tiling

im still brushing my teeth at the kitchen sink -.-"

back/front yard.. complete JUNGLE.. gotta learn how to get rid of the knee high grass/weeds

we are slowly chucking out hard rubbish into the bins every week on rubbish day..soo our garden still looks like a mini dumpster >.>

hmm..back to studies. about defecation lewl. just learnt how to spell that word ^^



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