«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: DAY 9

Sunday, June 06, 2010


and before ya know it its another week ><"
hmm nine days i should have completely nailed one subject
but ive only done like 3 lectures.. which i dont even remember ..what is wrong my brain! there is this massive block on it and i have no idea what it is besides the fact its there..

its starting to worry me ...a lot.. im normally pretty good at cramming during swot vac =/

_considering special consideration coz my eye is playing up again. ><".

"Note also that the outcome of a successful application for special consideration will be the provision of an offer of further assessment, usually in the form of another examination."

The impact of these circumstances on a student’s academic performance is likely to be assessed by a health professional as more significant if they lead to substantial effects in the following sorts of areas:

• Physical discomfort;
• Physical immobility;
• Anxiety or worry;
• Low mood;
• Loss of capacity to concentrate;
• Being easily fatigued;
• Sleep disturbance.

- Umelb

wow i got 6/7 of those but ugh! but i do not want to sit another exam.
will just have to e n d u r e.... zzzzz


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