«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: THE FIRST OF MARCH!

Monday, March 01, 2010


yay. what an epic title eh?

anyways. im at uni, first time borrowing a laptop from the bailleu libary.
I'm completely not used to the "one-mouse-click-does-all" feature on a Macbook. ><"

anywho.. uni. 6 hour break on a monday .
but i just realised i have less than that.. as i plan on preparing myself for 2011 gamsat by sitting in first year chem bio physics lectures.. ie. death. on top of my 4 third year subjects. Y____Y

this sem i'm doing

Handbook 512302 Research Methods for Human Inquiry
Handbook 534312 Drugs: From Discovery to Market
Handbook 534313 Drugs in Biomedical Experiments
Handbook 536320 Neurophysiology: Neurons and Circuits

+ chemistry 101
+ Biology of Cells and Organisms
+ Physics 1: Fundamentals

completely not looking fwd to stats *cough research methods ew

chances of me getting anywhere with the gamsat... bleh unlikely
but more likely than the pysch pathway anyways.

anyone up for bowling at AMF??


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