«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: dinner catch ups

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

dinner catch ups

organised by tracy and wheeeeeee yummy
@ crown Bistro Guillaume

pic from suzie

havent seen the girls in ages. and zomg.. if there is one noticeable thing. its

g i g g l e s

I sat there for 10 mins literally thinking.. something is weird... apart from the half hour of listening to girls that would be, to be married in the next decade going on about their fancy wedding plans down to the dress, ceremony details.. it was giggles!!

dang... ive been away from my gender for whee bit too long.

mum has banned guys from coming over to my house in the evenings Y_Y

the venue was great. and so was the steak >: ] and whatever that fancy oyster & potato dishes were.

ah nuts i didnt bring a camera =P

on the side_

i return to listening to the radio at night.

gah! its so frustrating when you hear many neat songs in a row..and you cant find the playlists the next day :(
if only community radio had playlists for everything gahhhh.. ><"


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