«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: recap_

Sunday, January 24, 2010


2. life is full of struggles
3. ..full of learning

here are some photos i was meant to post ages ago. bleh. i never really take any. but penguins at melb aquarium just asked for it...haha.. too bad its on my v. low quality phone camera XD

IMG0006A.jpg PENGUINS picture by noitulove_nemxIMG0007A.jpg fat things + kid picture by noitulove_nemx
they are such fat fast swimming creatures!

that same day we went to acmi screen worlds and independent games festival.
yan and ihraz was addicted to this. http://www.nicalis.com/http://technabob.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/tb-nightsky4.jpg

try the rest of the winning games here: http://www.freeplay.net.au/2009/12/igf-at-acmi/

screen worlds. everyone was tired after they did the random matrix camera thingy lewl. IMG0009A.jpg aw picture by noitulove_nemxIMG0010A.jpg awwwwwwwwwww picture by noitulove_nemx

silly pplz. you hogged the kiddy area bean bags.. hmmm.really comfy though ^^

view here here and here
we emailed it to ourselves at acmi hahahaa. >: ]

then on my birthday we bumped into a few pplz as sister cousin and I headed to century city walk to check out the SNAKES

IMG0012A.jpg moni.snake picture by noitulove_nemxIMG0014A.jpg brothers.snake picture by noitulove_nemx
dang. my older 2nd cousin looks like a Caucasian lewl
IMG0016A.jpg steven and snake picture by noitulove_nemxIMG0017A.jpg william and croc picture by noitulove_nemx

IMG0018A.jpg tj&david&snake! picture by noitulove_nemx
the snakes really like david.. they kept er.. what's the word.swimming towards him? hahaa IMG0017A.jpg william and croc picture by noitulove_nemx

then on the twilight of the 21st i went sailing BY MYSELF! coz everyone had better things to do. except peter.. whom i send my deeepest apologies for not last minute calling you up. forgive me please XD XD XD XD XD
IMG0020A.jpg sailing picture by noitulove_nemx

sailing was relaxing.. <3 aussie instructor who did accounting in uni only to discover sailing was for him... hmm ..the scuba diving management course he told me about is very attractive hahhahaa.


Anonymous Michelle said...

When I went the king penguins (the big ones) weren't swimming!! They were just standing around being lazy lol.

3:40 PM  

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