«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: subconscious ....

Monday, November 02, 2009

subconscious ....

dreams... not so awake alert state..

do they attribute to the revealing of any aspect of truth ?


that always seems to be the answer ..

e.g in neuroscience studies..
. spraying people with water at the appropriate stage of sleep (that cycle of which i cannot remember due to my lack of revision) reports dreams involving walking in the rain, or beach or ocean or water

. stressful events maybe re-evoked in dreams..haha a common one i believe is year 12 students.. dreaming that they are late to their English exam.. or missed it.. or did something horrible during it. hahahha.. English exams..

.memories.. revisited

.reoccuring episodic dreams.. or novel value / theme related... with the usual same persons appearing..

this time for me it was different.
i usually shrug them off..coz its so random and silly
what was unclear during awake/alert times appeared
to be v. clear.

it was a choice..
between two friends..
close friends.

and i choose.
is the subconscious doing the talking ...hmmm....
does it zone into the problem..funnelling out the excess noise that occurs in everyday life.

such an interesting question.
one that i cannot conclude..because I dont know whether to trust it.
or is it reliable..


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