«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: JOB!! BE ON TV!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009



LOOOL i so want to do it for fun XD

on the side_

its been a while since ive flicked on the tv on a sunday.
all that comes to mind is .. dodgy sexed up music videos, its like they aint aware kids are home at that hour >.>

there was this movie "Pride" playing. hilarious!! like a nature documentary but animals are animated to move their mouths and talk. some adventure of two lion cubs

"see ya, have a good life, oh and don't swim in the water, there is a crocodile" - cub

there is much to learn from the simple greeting..well what's the opposite to a greeting?
goodbye phrase? lol

1. it acknowledges they met the person/animal. they say "baiz" before leaving/ignoring them

2. they have good intentions.. "have a good life"
wahh..who says this these days??!..
how many times.. do we hear of backstabbing and scams just for one to climb up the
hierarchy ladder of career advancement.
the world is a c r u e l place.

3. the last part..offers advice..genuine care.
looking out for one another
true altruism..
something a scientific-world-view is yet to explain
I'm sorry Mr. Richard Dawkins.. explaining a l t r u i s m through the process of a genetic gene miscoding/copying/transcription mistake of evolution..just does not cut it.

ahh..the things you learn off tv whilst it randomly plays in the background =P


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