«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: i dont feel like working

Saturday, November 07, 2009

i dont feel like working

despite the fact that...
.i know i will fail if i dont
.i know i need GPA of 80+ for postgrad
.i know my exams are next week
.i know if i screw up i would need to extend my degree
.i know i want to get out of uni asap
.i know im being a disgrace
.i know im privileged to study
.i know everyone else is studying atm

.i know . i k n o w . i know .

then why is the next question....


Blogger VinceMa said...

BOO! don't be so down Sandra! just take a break - but make sure there is an end to this break!

We seriously have to work hard being so close to exam time. Otherwise all that effort put through the semester will be wasted. Do you want to let your lecturers and tutors down?

Don't end up like me this semester. Seriously I have slacked off way too much - the whole definition of myself has changed due to that. I don't want you feeling the same guilt I feel right now to my excellent tutors and their efforts :P.

You can do it! Just start! Turn off all distractions and GOGOGO! Maybe try going to local Glen Waverley library if you're distracted =P

8:27 PM  
Blogger sisterr enkst said...


except for the part abotu needing a 80+%...i just need 50% and im struggling enough with that alone!

1:06 AM  
Blogger jozae said...

I feel your pain.

3:20 PM  

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