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Tuesday, September 01, 2009

just want to do so much in my short lifetime

esp. the time i have now.


in the midst of assignment frustration
wondering what career path to follow.. coz like.. i cant choose 2 ..has to be one
and interest in deepening my biblical knowledge
building and developing my reasoning skills
same goes to relationships
investigating theory/philosophy
wish yan would quit wow
pursuing volunteer work with a certain few charities
and trying to so consciously be self-aware to NOT become to be ANYTHING like my mother..guhh.. must not be like her... muuuustt...nooottttt....
and ah! where is frank in all this!! havent played in ages..and i remember the ONLY GOAL i've EVER SET IN MY LIFE.. was.. to sit grade 7 AMEB exam by the time i hit 30.
i have a decade.. but stilll... my theory is grade 2. and my playing is prolly 2.5.
save me

ugh. just so much to do..
not enough time

need to prioritise..

.i think i have let go of my random design & film interest..
to be honest i was never encouraged by my parents for that field..highly frowned upon and endured crazy hours adding to days adding to months of sterotypical asian authoritarian lectures and since i still havent transferred into it.. its a little too late ..and a little too competitive.. maybe that's even harder than neurosci career wise XD

one down...
fifty million to go.


neeed..a better brain..

or more efficient thinking


and the most disturbing of it all is..
i am more inclined to listen to metal and fall asleep
and neglecting my prayer life

i need fixing.

on the side_
Richrad says:
*but then again i dont really care what job i get nowadays as long as it pays and i have time to go shopping lol


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