«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: break OVER

Sunday, July 26, 2009

break OVER

man.. the last two weeks have been crazy AS!

apart from the nation being obsessed over masterchef...


met zillions of people..from all around the world. hehe.. international students!
when you mention it to any gwsc student you instantly think Asian fobs

..but at uni its..the Americans, French, Italian, Irish, and wahh.. all these pplz accents in the arts faculty.. gives a random aura buzz to the place.

full time work is really difficult. Believe it or not, the processes and procedures the Arts faculty have in place are actually decent... its just the running and in between delivering of messages which are ridiculously s l o w. *sigh*
printage of id cards is quite fun..
and browsing all the stationery inked with melbourne uni pride all over them! you wont believe how many different kinds of pens, envelopes! they have XD

watched a few movies
hangover - quite funny to me surprise, coz trailer looked mediocre
dragonball - epic fail
harry pothead - thin plot. it lacked something... substance XD. their acting hasnt improved either.

attempted cooking

whined about uni for the longest time possible

house visiting - justin! bbq too XD

played quite a bit of piano

enquired bout honours + job prospects
psych - practising psychologist...getting in.. near impossible
neuroscience - academic or research.. (hmm..subject is interesting..but job prospects not really)
pharmacology - lab work. csiro? (ew..but at least drug design seems okie XD)

emailed the hospitals around the area

enquired bout volunteer services.

Sacred Heart Mission have an excellent program running.
just amazing.
visited the place yesterday..and woah. i had no idea they proved such loving service to the community.

then there's Rosies
might participate in it ^^


Blogger Indi said...

hehe... andrew lam said he saw you at the arts office! maybe you will know why my subject hasn't been approved? it's been like 13 days >.>

5:18 PM  

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