«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: and there goes the first week of the holidays....

Saturday, July 04, 2009

and there goes the first week of the holidays....

.caught up with QUYEN!

.Adrienne's 21st
first time at EVE or any night club for that matter.. met a really nice surfer chick from queensland.. who surprised me...

*waits in ridiculously long toilet line*

surfer chick: " some of these girls are ridiculous"
me: "...yer..."

"they stand in front of the mirror and fix their hair..but hours later ...it looks exactly the same"

"agreed. stupid"

"see that girl..she has been there fore twenty minutes!!"

me: geez..this line is long =.="

on the way out ... some girl almost bows down to me.. "thaaank you for being soooo fast"

hmm.. i dont like nightclubs.

but Adrienne's party was awesome ^^

.Youth Group Quiz Night
caught up with PRIMARY SCHOOL FRIEND and nick him, sherry, chris liew, lisa

.Grace's dinner @ groove train. .funky restaurant..hmmm i should have ordered steak XD

. finally saw transformers
lots of action. crap plot development. conclusion - 6/10

.roy morgand! haha

.badminton @ monash

.visited peters place. zomg 3 hours of watching frank yan peter thian mindlessly button bash away at castle crashes.. sooo stuuuuupid x_x

.tutored english

. got myself a full time job for three weeks @ melb uni..helping out mid year entrants ^^

to come_

catch up with mr. zachary lee!!

its been wayy too long..

im not going to miss it
coz i acknowledge this might be the last time i will get the chance to see the guy..ever


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