«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: gotta hate those calls..

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

gotta hate those calls..

continuous ringing in the background as you know nobody will pick it up..






please hold...whilst I connect your call


seriously ..if you are goina do a survey or even try sell me something
put a human on the line..

not a computer with an automated-attempt-of-encapsulating-the-calm-and-gentle-vocality-of-a-female
bleh did i just invent a word XP


i was so concentrating before =________=


i actually want to study. revise.and do practise exams.

but i cant.

gotta finish is danged assignment.

apologies to pplz that read yet another blog of complain during swot vac


you came here for a distraction right?

if..at all..


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