«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: the happenings....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the happenings....

bleh okay.. i cant remember what day is what..and what i did on what day..
hmm.. that looks like a crap sentence.. ANYWAYs.

here goes to recalling some events....

1. I HAVE A TABLE!!! *link* thanks to clay daniel and david whom also helped me walk it home from office works.. it only too 20mins and 53secs!! amazing.. didnt realised it was that close 0_0

2. BAKE DAY # 4? as usual its at Yan's place.. tradition
neh not as many pplz as the previous one. but still good..
*sigh* yan.. you are seriously addicted to wow. you MUST QUIT!!! its DISTROYING YOUR SOUL! and daryl. dont encourage him! >: [
at least we made him clean for a bit XD

and success at mango pudding! unlike last time XD lol.
but no pic. we ate it way fast ^^
everything in yans house is over duelol cooksYAY spaghetti pizza!muffins..chocchip =]
SCRUB! >: ]

3. BoxHill game trip
started with left4dead n guitar hero @ peters and his FANCY FANCY CASTLE HOUSE! with thick bloood red carpet ^^
timezone. bumped into jason n david n friend n michael tjong! haha. on streetfighter of course. .. =]

4. my sister is hooked on home and again 0____0 is there no returning of her sanity? =/

5. i need to priorties


semi trying to tutor
taking this subject at melb uni for 1st years
orientation hosting
at melb for promo stuff
at roys

trying to play piano
struggling to keep up with frank Y_____Y ahh.. jasmine TEACH ME!!
trying to learn intro to restless show by alkemyst because its the BEST HEAVY METAL EVER! ..only prob. learning by ear ..is soo painfully slow XD
guitar is failing

beginning to every so slowly learn/differentiate what a close friend and a friend is. ..but i still dont know the difference between acquaintance and friend. bleh. guess that never worried me so shouldnt now
stuyding 2 Timothy. got some really valuable points there.
daily readings ..just concluded joshua

"Be very strong; be careful to obey all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, without turning aside to the right or to the left."
- Joshua 23.6

Its soo hard XD .. ive been turning soo much to the left and right..

2k9 shall be...

stand firm....wisdom...growth
+ random
got a new phone finally.. its crappy and hey at least i can hear the person on the other end now =P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

life sounds incredible!
keep at it!
fight it!

9:32 PM  

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