end break || start count down
the past two weeks have been THE crazy.
i think im insane.. and end of story really. as bro pointed out. i dont think like a normal human being. "you're a freak" =.=" geez...but i guess it if that were true. everything makes sense hahaha
the study was lacking but caught up with lots and lots and LOTS of pplz over the break..unexpectedly hmm.my english grammar is gettin worse by the minute =.=
stuff done.
plopped along to to manifest to say hi to bunch of pplz.. haha say pplz from work yep ROY MORGAN haha. love that place =P

monash phil festival. so lots of ensembles and groups and bands performing. i was working at the fairy floss stall!!! haha. it was lots of fun.. well would have been more so minus the stickiness -.-
worked FOUR SHIFTS in a row!!! actually .. i was do.able... surprisingly.. since the quotas for the surveys are near impossible to meet..work has been offering prizes for those workers that actually get ONE survey done in a shift hAHahahaha..i just result to reading textbooks..and "attempting" to study.. paid to study ^^
interview with real people. some casting agency.. ALMOST joined , ZOMG. how tragic if i did... i would have no face no face whatsoever. would not be able to face another person i know as long as i lived. .. everything i stood for and worked so hard to build up would have been crashing down. morals, beliefs etc etc was 1mm to losing it that day. written letter of termination the following day.. *sigh* the idea of movie extra or tv extra background person is so appealling though. =P
running in parks @ night in the pouring rain with karlson n william
hurting someone really badly XD im SOooooooooooOOOOOOOOOooooo SORRY! it is extremely incredibly hard to say no to someone you care bout a lot .. XD
caught up with lisah over the phone *sigh* not in person. , adrienne and angel @ work, crashed vidhya's =]
played two square @ coles carpark glen. @ 10.30pm lol
yuelei n di's combined bday ish dinner.. wheee..steak @ hogs cafe. neato.
no one ever looks at the camera at the same time =.=
being blessed with incredibly lovely weather ^^
visited melb. museum again
BBQ with friends and the slowest day of my life oct 2nd . incredible though. it was as if i was quicksilver. (that guy in the brotherhood of xmen comics that is of superspeed..and everything goes snail's pace to him).
almost car crashed that day XD .. wheels went crazy. eek..and i was driving two pplz too .. gah. XD my car is failing me.
gettin locked outside my own house at 4am in the morning. -.- no shoes..and just tshirt gah. -.-
posted letter to jeewee + jeemeng
melb show
watched wall.E ..impressive for film without dialogue really. go pixar.. you never disappoint..on the note of movies.. ZOMG BARBIE and the diamond castle DID disappointly.. and hugely. .. i thought those barbie movies were suppose to have really good animation. hmm .. guess not. either that..or the quality died from the first few.
family parties zomg ..there are so many of us 0_0
watched melbourne get THRASHED!! crazy game
my hair is REALLY LONG!
to be done_
lots of sleep.. lots~!
get a new phone
read my neglected bible XD
lots of sleep.. lots~!
get a new phone
read my neglected bible XD
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