Royal Melbourne Show
Yer. i went to the show yesterday.. hmm.. the only reason i semi organised it and went was to catch up with lisah and yuelei. unfortunately neither showed -.- *sigh*
anywho. i went with _
$50 was what i spent all up i think .... or a bit less.. cant remember..
rides, showbags, animals yer... the whole thing was pretty much for kids.. but it was lots of fun.. lots of DUST! poor tiny kids... everytime they opened their mouth.. plehh.. dusty/hay/grass/dirt inhale.ness...
bumped into davy, sibi, will, tina n friend, carol n friends =]
the best shot i took that day.. =]
hehe.. XMEN! well sorta.
ahh. power surge.. i remember that lame episode.
lol ..jean grey.. pfft..
shadowcat could have ended that easily..
but i guess rogue is more awesome
oh the tension between them and scott
okie i shall stop rambling..
because prolly no one knows what im talking bout besides
indi. hahha..
xmen evolution episodes =P

ice skating!! *shocked expression*
temporary ice rinks for hire.that consists of sheets/tiles of some white plasticy stuff haha

and before we knew it .it was night time.
neh.. it was v. v. v. crowded!!!
sooo many people!
haha..yer.. we didnt win much -.-
Ukraine dude doing tricks on horse
my fav bit of the night. impressive
er..yer.ignore the sound..i have no idea what happened.
yer. didnt manage to get the better stunts though.
random shots of animals

baby emu!

ehehee.. a funny colored face one
they looked fake 0_0
err..what's with the circular configuration =/
anywho. i went with _
$50 was what i spent all up i think .... or a bit less.. cant remember..
rides, showbags, animals yer... the whole thing was pretty much for kids.. but it was lots of fun.. lots of DUST! poor tiny kids... everytime they opened their mouth.. plehh.. dusty/hay/grass/dirt inhale.ness...
bumped into davy, sibi, will, tina n friend, carol n friends =]
haha. teenage mutant ninja show.
neh. my camera sucks when it comes to sound
hehe.. XMEN! well sorta.
ahh. power surge.. i remember that lame episode.
lol ..jean grey.. pfft..
shadowcat could have ended that easily..
but i guess rogue is more awesome
oh the tension between them and scott
okie i shall stop rambling..
because prolly no one knows what im talking bout besides
indi. hahha..
xmen evolution episodes =P
temporary ice rinks for hire.that consists of sheets/tiles of some white plasticy stuff haha
and before we knew it .it was night time.
neh.. it was v. v. v. crowded!!!
sooo many people!
er..yer.ignore the sound..i have no idea what happened.
yer. didnt manage to get the better stunts though.
sooo BIG 0_0
random shots without flash...despite it being nightime and dark.. they turned out like this 0_0
random shots without flash...despite it being nightime and dark.. they turned out like this 0_0
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