Gossip: Hugh Jackman. Real Life Superhero?
According to The National Enquirer (yeah, I know), Hugh Jackman became a real life superhero while attending the San Diego Comic Con last month.
Apparently after leaving the convention center, Jackman saw two ladies in the parking lot dressed as X-Men characters Storm and Magma. He was shocked when he noticed that the woman dressed as fire-manipulator Magma literally set her arm on fire!
The stunt backfired as the woman dressed as Storm was supposed to douse out the flames. Problem is…she didn’t. The flames suddenly found their way up to Magma’s hair, and Jackman swiftly yanked her costume’s cape up over her head, smothering the flames as he yelled for security.
The woman is ok, but obviously had some burns on her head and scalp according to the tabloid.
If this actually happened, you would think this news would’ve been everywhere on the net a month ago, so take it with a large grain of salt. Yeah, it’s a slow news day…

and seriously want to get my hands on http://xmenfilms.net/photos/wolverineandthexmen/index.html
air in Australia dammit -.-
things to watch out for 2009_
if i havent stressed enough already WOLVERINE MOVIE
and TIN TIN!!
i LOVE hugh jackman. i love wolverine because jackman played him! he'll always be a hero to me! WAHAHAHA!
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