«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: a return.... :O

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

a return.... :O

"So whats the general topic of conversation when you send the letter around. Do people know that im in the police, coss some still think that im in the army.

My police NS has been getting more interesting by each tour of duty. Everyday i see something new, i attend a new case, attend to a new member of public, see new cases, arrest new people, spot check old ones. I suppose you're dying to know wat sort of cases i attend. Well they are all pretty much routine cases. Most cases are about disputes and neighbour problems. This is wat living in an apartment is like. They always complain about neighbours causing noise and leaving stuff outside along the corridor. We have to come and settle these problems. Ive also attended cases where people have attempted to jump off the building to commit suicide but of course, they didn't. There was one where the guy who wanted to jump was mentally retarded and was depressed that he didnt get a job so he wanted to jump down. After assessing the situation, we decided that it would be safer if we brought this person back to our station to prevent him from jumping off. When we tried to handcuff him, he got scared and started crying. He didnt want to be handcuffed by us so he tried to run into his room. When we pulled him out, he started kicking and punching us. There were four of us at the scene. My supervisor and I plus the first police officers at scene. So the four of us wrestled with him and eventually managed to pin him down onto the sofa in the living room. Two of us climbed and sat on top of him while I tried to get his hand behind his back to get it cuffed. By the end of the whole thing, we were all sweating from the wrestle with him It didnt stop there though, he was quite a bulky guy and we had to drag him out of the unit with him screaming along the whole way. The entire 7th floor had people peaking out of their units wondering what all the fuss was about. Even in the car he was kicking and banging his head around, all the way to the lock up. It was only in the lockup when he kept quiet coss the station sergeant asked him to keep quiet, or he wont release the cuffs.

Thats one of the many interesting cases ive attended so far. Actually, another interesting case ive attended is where the person has already jumped off the building. Suicide case from the 11th floor. This 90 plus yr old guy had cancer, so he didnt want to live anymore. He decided to take his own life by jumping from the 11th floor of the apartment. It was a rather gruesome sight. I can still remember the whole incident. Right from the moment i arrived at scene, all the way until the undertakers carried his body away in the police hearse. Not that i want to scare u or nething, but some of the more interesting things about his body was that one of his eyes had popped out of its socket, probably from the force of the blow to the back of his head on the concrete floor. His legs were twisted into awkward shapes, and there was blood all over the floor flowing into the drain. Anyway, i think ive described enough.

I have to go do some house work now and update my diary of the cases ive attended since october. Its easier that way when i go back to melbourne. Then i can just show u all the cases ive attended instead of trying to remember what cases ive attended. Hopefully ive given u an update of wats happening over here"

[ i like letters...my day just got a zillion times better...great timing
der.. i hope ya dont mind me posting it XD

* * *

edit: LOL @ Lee's dp.



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