«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: whine whine whine SHINE?

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

whine whine whine SHINE?

geez. i complain SO much. so more cant ruin the way ya perceive me anyways hahaha =P
but seriously.. im complaining that i complain. ARGH. what a terrible cycle. Y_Y

at uni. waiting for lecture to put stupid box or tray out. so i can hand in assignment.
in the mean time i cant really do anything.
study notes at home.
lab demonstrator hasnt marked prac yet. ah wells dont need it.
exam clash STILL hasnt been resolved. gah. just let me do the exam on the same day already. dont care.
neh. library book is due on sat. but exam isnt till the next friday. XD dang it. someone has placed a hold on it. gah. should have bought the text book.
been sleeping at 1am and not being able to wake up
not eating proper breakfast
drove into a parked car! dang im stupid =.=" car isnt worth anything now . neh. so in addition to the side mirror damage a month ago and the speed meter that hasnt been fixed and dodgy wheel alignment, now the left head lights smashed. my gosh. so unroad.worthy. sorry guys wont be giving you lifts for a while. =.=
swot vac almost over if ya think bout it
behind in letters to jeewee.jeemeng
no one at home talks because everyone is very busy. im cool with that. but it just means more assumptions made by the folks which are very very VERY misleading.
icecream doesnt cheer up everyone
printing costs
annoyed at the fact that i annoy everyone but cant help it =/
havent drawn anything of decent effort.
gives up when everything gets hard. hmm. this isnt too good for career prospects. hahhahaha.
but i dont want to be a primary school teacher.. even if that means just knowing the basics. okie i take that back ..nicole/alan's course is VERY complex =] respect
house is out of snacks!!! ZOMG !! NO SNACKS WHAT SO EVER! there's JUST rice.. *sob*
to lazy to buy snacks -.-

on the up side_

i've stopped calling people randomly at odd hours of the day/night
HA! it isnt habit sam =P ...hehehehe..

looking forward to an xmen evo marathon.

hehee..hoildays =
..finally get a hair cut.
..cut the tag off me new runners
(bought them ages ago..just havent got round to wearing it.
now that i think bout it. ITS MASSIVe 0_0
..RANDOM FILMING ..bhwhhahaha
someone tell me how to compress raw footage pleeeeeaseeee!
..paint wasting
..david guitaring..hopefully hahhaha
.. decides to watch ONCE. =P
well. i hope i end up doing that..laziness is so powerful -.-"


Blogger vincema said...

hiya sandra i think i have a proggy you might want to use to compress videos =) i'll show you some time!

12:20 AM  
Blogger vincema said...

oh and bl on the car :( it must be annoying to suddenly lose a "set of legs"

12:11 PM  

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