«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: ._.! INSANITY. @.@"" ! >_______<

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

._.! INSANITY. @.@"" ! >_______<

righto.. it feels like ages since my last post *shrugs*
kinda rarely had the chance to go on the computer ..and when i do.its on @ uni ..i.e last min submission of prepracs or post prac questions or gmail chat hahahaha

but yer. as of the last month i've met a zillion crazy pplz ..uni life is hectic.
yet another week of 9am - 9pm for me =.=' even worse with finishing assignments so 7.30am-10.30pm is the amount of time im out 0____0
and when im at home its eat, shower,sleep >.>
zomg.. i dont think i can do this next week.. *awaits* the sleep ins next week.

gah. i still want to upload sandcastle photos.. next time next time.

lastweek was mid sem test.. which is completely odd. because it's only four flicks of uni diary pages and exams 0_0 what the??!?!? as if last week mid sem..and then all of a sudden all this info bout how to prepare for "upcoming" exams =.=" save me.

[has the feeling this is goina be a long post]
[need to finish assignment ...*soon*. v ..*soon*]


yesterday.. tues.
blood pressure prac.. kinda failed because my arm was too narrow for the cuff we used -.-" geez. so everytime the cuff inflated the velcro popped off.. so i did the heart pressure bit instead.. but still.. that showed wacky irregular signs...before it dropped to zero.. >.> sooo.. im technically dead.. or... A MUTANT! bwhahhaha.. speaking bout that.. I FOUND MESSIAH COMPLEX comics!! zomg finallly.. i can continue the plot XP

break. cramming in as much as i can before lecturer "consultation time" =.=
gah.. 30min wait.. they like to talk a lot.. felt bad for holding up the next person 40mins too -.-'

more work .
bumped into archi pplz.. the amount of work they have to do is incomprehensible...amazing. ...yet i completely understand why they would be extremely over it..and AHH.. *pulls out hair ness*
i really have nothing to complain about.. art/sci feels ssoooo..weak in comparison it's 1/4 of every faculty's subjects really..

lecture QM. stats. and i STAYED FOR IT! =P
only because orochi gig was on at 8pm -.-

met jeremy ...had dinner.. bummed.. sooo tired.. sleepy.. almost fainted

bummed at arcade. note: 7.30pm = time asian business men play streetfighter and inital D >.>

walked into fad gallery. nice artworks.. very random and ..der.. artsy fartsy../political/surrealist almost. everything bout the place was nice..except the smell..
"..doesn't smell like cigarettes, doesn't smell like incense ...seems like pot " - jeremy
hmmm.... maybez...

band was warming up...they look so young!! sounded awesome.. bwhahaa they got told off for playing too loud..so meh.. silence

*pulls out leaves sketchbook*
might as well study ..since there is nothing ta do ...

plant rememberd: leptospermum petersonii - lemon smelling tea tree
yay! 50 more to go -.-

10mins later.
realization: zOMG .. im studying at a BAR! didnt occur to me coz it was so empty and apart from the band there was only two other pplz in the room >.> bWHhwahhahahah..
i like bars ^-^ comfy.

turns out their playing was postponed til 9.30 gah -.-' no WAY.
meh. so talked to the guitar player instead.. he he he hhe!! JAPANESE PEOPLE ARE SO FRIENDLY 0_0

dead tired ..no way staying till 9.30 so left. Soji walked us down to bass lounge..next gig may 10 ..come come !! heehhee ^-^

rock/alternative/psychedelic music all in the one.. what can you NOT love bout that??
*goes crazy*

random note: police uniform in snazzy red car lol im clueless bout cars.. parked in the middle of the street in china town... talk bout obvious >.>

heads back to station.. bumped onto Doris n friend.. Daiten?? however ya spell it.. tis late but all of a sudden surge of energy hits me. is on a high.
zillion taxis lined all the way down swanston st. blocking everything. so we went to check out the strike. scary atmosphere. XD

+ random passionate/drunk guy.

bwhahaha. he was so funny...like a theatrical performance and i had A class seats

"...the stolen generation is a lie...climate change is a lie...the ozone layer was a lie.." etc etc etc

on the side_
*serious face* "..hey ..just asking.. why do you know everyone i know?" - janet

LOL! didnt expect that coming. ..

ans: no idea. >.>

realised calling people at night is rude.
won't do that again.. with the exception of yan LOL!


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