«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: hate

Sunday, April 27, 2008


"...doesn't exists" - michael

i want to believe that too.. but ARGH!.. i hate myself...
stupid uncanny perfected procrastinating abilities ...okay that's not the word to use but you get my point
>: [

argh GRR..

so annoyed..

yet im still not changing my habits ..dammit dammit dammit.

other than myself.. i cant find it impossible to hate anything or anyone for that matter...(although the line between extreme feeling of annoyance/extreme dislike/hate towards parents is v. close...V.close ...>.>..) its sooooo ridiculously hard to hate something.. takes so much time and effort..and takes up brain space.. which in the end is unpractical and quite useless... and ya probably end up frustrating yourself..due to yourself..and not the thing that your energy is actually pointed towards..

grr... the mind is a really annoying thing sometimes..

note: dont get me wrong. .im not emo or anything *cough* like the wanna be youths of tomorrow
its probably beyond that. -.=

in deeep !@#)*#$?@# if i dont start studying soon.

and what am i DOING?!??!?! BLOGGING?!?! ARGH alskdj fla;sdjladsng

conclusion: i have two minds. the lazy one is more powerful than the productive one . -.=


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOOO sandra calm oneself! I've never seen you so annoyed before. Oh n thanks for being a reference heheh YAY! Yeah i've left everything last minute and now i'm screwed and what am i doing also? BLOGGIN!! sigh we are one of the same i say

5:37 PM  
Blogger sisterr enkst said...

wahahaha, high-larious!

i think you speak for us all!

9:31 AM  

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