«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: interim reports! DAH!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

interim reports! DAH!

ARGH! it was looking impressive except for two things.

i got two '2's.. grr.. you may think i'm complaining but they are for important MAJOR things. =_=

Chemistry- Meets all deadlines :2:
[okay it's not good to be behind in work when the MID YEAR EXAM! is only 6-7 weeks away

English - Quality of work :2:
Definately NO GOOD! coz i have this massive feeling i wont get over 25 in eng and into any uni course *sigh* why is it compulsory..such competition.. everyone in the STATE! is doing it ._.'

The rest of the stuff was ones.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG Sandra don't complain >_> i haven't got a single subject where i have all 1s in....... like omg... i'm so depressed T_T.........

crap.... the chem exam IS real soon..... not good ~_~

8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some teachers don't like giving all 1s... or they might say 'it's not possible to be at an expert standard yet'. So don't stress out about a 2. ^.^
Even if you aren't fantastic at English (I don't know, since I haven't read your essays and stuff), you're definately above average. And average = 25. There's a lot more people out there than you think you don't get the basics on how to write an essay and can't figure out any points from books and stuff. Our school is overall, sort of above average, so you kinda lose sight of the rest of the state. But that's good, because it pushes you higher.
Omgsh sorry for the ramble.
Take care, and Happy Easter! <3

10:54 PM  

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