«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: reflections | a new year

Friday, December 30, 2016

reflections | a new year

time flies faster as you get older.
that is for sure.
probably the only statement from an older person I remember well, as it is OH SO TRUE!

hmmm. each year i seem to want to work on something. 
vaguely in the past i did remember asking for time management, wisdom, and just last year - gentleness.

what's next?
thought about it, hard and hard, through and through, 
and in all honesty, 
next year 
i should really focus on my health

oh boy physique ><"


i guess it wouldn't really mean diet, but more fruit bleh and more exercise.
daniel - squash? haha time to take up that membership



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