«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: oh that mid-sem break

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

oh that mid-sem break

*take a deep breath*

well what can i say, it has definitely been quite the party.

Firstly Easter, the true meaning of Easter is definitely worth partying about. That our Lord so perfectly just and loving, could not leave rebellion and rejection of his name and person (sin) undealt with, so he sent his only son Jesus Christ to die for this sin -  in our place - so that we can be free to return a relationship with with Him!

These children summarise the story so well =]

Lots of movies and catching up with friends.
- Captain America Winter Solider : definitely better than the first one, but honestly i was more intrigued by the after credits appearance of quicksilver and Scarlett witch.
- The Lego Movie: Everything is awesome!
- Faith Connections: *my review*
- Aim High in Creation: *my review*

and lots and lots of boardgames!

of which my fav is an Australian one Imaginiff..

you write down names of people you know usually friends and roll the dice to see which name it lands on. The person becomes the subject of that round, so when you  pick a card...
it's "imagine iff Bob was a ......., what would he/she do....."
1 of 6 choices.
You vote and then majority vote wins to advance 1 space on the board, regardless if that is what the subject would actually do..

A great fun clean get to know you game...

unlike cards against humanity, which is still get to know you...but less less less clean lol.

as for the rest of the holidays.
unfortunately i spent it on gaia x_x

next stop tomorrow: mornington peninsular ^-^

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