«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: quote unquote

Sunday, October 06, 2013

quote unquote

awww..you may say...
how nice, such a nice place, nice day, sun streaming through the windows, comfort of another's arms you may say, peace and quite...what more can you want?...

well.. no.

Here's an alternative viewing_
considering the close proximity of the two central figures it would be safe to label as "couple"
so very close , yet so extremely far

the juxtaposition of the technology on the soft tones of brown and red, scream out.
although you are right in front of me, i choose to look past you and instead into my screen, into a more important reality. a digital reality.

he or she might as well not be there at all.

there is no separation between the online and the offline.

technology, interconnectedness & intimacy.

something to ponder if you have the chance too. =P

instead of "aww" the correct response should be "ugh".



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