«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: I appreciate this article

Monday, March 26, 2012

I appreciate this article

Titled Atheists, please read my heathen manifesto
I don't necessarily agree to the words in the article, but at least thoughts been put into it.

I acknowledge that atheists are a gaining a rather negative connotation is society.
*shrugs* when it really shouldn't be.

But what attributes to this is new atheism, where its literally atheism that doesn't think and just proclaims things without thorough research, reasoning and tackling of the questions of 'Is there a God' for example. When one just blurts out when one pleases their opinions but doesn't back it up, of course that is annoying and peeves people off. (ps. this is not the contention of the above article)

It's kinda similar to situations where you inquire further and people respond with "because I think so, because that's the way it is" That's really annoying.
Side track_
almost similar to "what's your favourite food?" but not quite, since everyone's taste buds are different and you would have no idea what the other person is sensing. truly.
But in the case of religion and a God (which is objective - this is the premise being set), therefore all the more efforts reason should be applied to it.

Neh, I prefer how 16th, 17th and 18th century atheists - people that do not believe in an existence of God - responded and tackled the issue.
What the heck is wrong with modern thinkers. Why aren't sober minded people getting the attention.

oh wait i know.

the world just wants to hear what their itching ears want to hear.
its easier

and probably a can't be bothered attitude/it's not important enough to fight over attitude, if non-extremist non-believers are content with the way they live.




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