«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: ah dammit

Monday, October 24, 2011

ah dammit

awesome spot.
no programming background.

research assistant $33.24 per/h

"use of 3D immersive virtual environments for surgical education and training being conducted in the School of Medicine at the University of Melbourne. The position will involve extending and modifying a high fidelity touch-enabled temporal bone surgery simulator, creating 3D temporal bone models from CT scans, and assisting with the conduct of experiments and data analysis. There is funding to support this position for one or two days a week forbetween 12 and 18 months."

in other news_
when i can be stuffed posting. virtual reality research is really really intriguing
MIT is so advanced, in terms of concepts.
*cries a little* lecturers referenced berkeley and stanford. flashing pics of their campuses on the screen and sitting next to first year optic kids 'wow-ing' at it. is just.. zomg i was there

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