«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: i left this heart in san francisco .....

Sunday, August 14, 2011

i left this heart in san francisco .....

...it's a clever idea.. this space changes almost every week. an artists paints over the heart shaped canvas, which is ironically also in the heart of the city, union square ishh... wait is that what it's called? lol. im forgetting already =P

this got me thinking about graffiti in Melbourne, how we (well the council folk) are kinda torn between how to value it as art and display it, yet at the same time not promote tagging and random graffiti in public spaces where it shouldn't be.

School kids still go on excursions and visit graffiti lane ways before coming to acmi, where we give them a tour of the Screenworlds exhibit, and talking to the teachers about graffti and their dismay over the repainting of a wall. makes you wonder...

"Melbourne is famous for its graffiti and it does attract a lot of tourists..." Screen Education guy at acmi..

Hm.. so i did some research at the info booth hub weird glass building on fed square during my lunch break and ZOMG the cost of a graffiti tour is $65! 0___0 to me that is so expensive and a rip off. *shrugs* but people obviously go.

my solution to this would be what SF does, and what we try to do. have graffiti displayed in public spaces but on canvas' that would deter the desire to tag on top of, due to the 'respect' part of a person overriding that choice. ie. make the canvas' into obviously constructed sculptures with effort placed into them. for example the SF heart. Could be a star wall, random shapes or a teddy bear. anything that would look really stupid if you drew all over it yourself. Just don't make it a slab of square concrete in the middle of a museum. >.>

Just a thought...

on the side_
for those who know me since high school
yes i also left my glenny jumper in america =.=" it was soo sad to depart it. but i did.
so there =P
at least i still have my towel pants
hehehehe.. don't judge me grace =P
they're the best!

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