«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Design an EGG CARTON for $1000 (Job Id:318110)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Design an EGG CARTON for $1000 (Job Id:318110)

Position title:
Design an EGG CARTON for $1000

Application close:30-Nov-2010 Tuesday


Employment type: Casual

Remuneration/ Pay rate:
$40k pa


We sign Confidentiality Agreements before we see your designs, to ensure all of your design is protected.

$1000 in cash if you come up with an EGG CARTON DESIGN that we accept as being better than the current egg carton designs on the market.

The successful applicant will be given the $1000 in cash and a job at $40k pa to develop the concept and come up with new ideas.

You don't have to go to design school to come up with a breakthrough design. It's just about observing, thinking, experimenting and testing. Activities we can all do. It's about asking questions like: "what really annoys people and you about the current egg cartons?" and "why do you choose to buy a more expensive product over a cheaper one?".

A "better" egg carton design has to do 2 things:
1. increase sales of products
2. create a premium feel for the product

For example, no soft drink bottle design has surpassed the design of the glass coke bottle. It increases sales volume, increases the price per bottle and is iconic with the product.

Please be as crazy as you like.

Submit your ideas as per the instructions below so we can send you a signed confidentiality agreement.
Application procedures
Send design to employment@mypak.com

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