«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: STEAMPUNK EXTRAVAGANZA! | picture post XD

Saturday, October 09, 2010


so i went with my sister. headed to Thornbury Theatre.. was QUITE THE DRIVE! about 1 hour.
but was worth it.

the place is magnificent!! *picture post*
i actually dunno how to describe it accurately.. but old school style haha. grand? i think masquerade balls ^^ has a balcony !

acts we stayed for were circus like, magic tricks!, fashion shows, burlesque (which was rather weird), pole dancing.. WOAH! impressive 0_0 such a tank! lol. and out of this world voices and music.

too bad we have to leave after act 1 XD

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Blogger Natalie said...

This place looks amazing! & very entertaining!

(I used a Fuji Instant Instax camera)I like it cause the film is pretty big compared to the one peter has.

11:04 PM  

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