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Saturday, August 21, 2010

i seriously think i have mania.
its extreme highs then extreme lows.

but the frequency of the switch prolly means i dont ..and its more than likely
a sugar/overload msg high.


on the side_

i am tossing between choosing whether i like uni hard but intersting
or slack and boring.

i dunnos.. if its just the grades only.. i guess the latter
but if its like learning and knowledge and not letting my HECS go to waste..
it would have to be the prior.

what an interesting dilemma.

but probably more interesting for the readers.
is that i'll prolly have to go dress shopping

sigh. i sense disaster. and extreme awkwardness/humiliation


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Blogger vincema said...

lol sandra i don't think that's what uni really is all about. it's more so the opportunity to network and meet people and just having a lot of freedom to explore, and accomplish things while we are still young and still have time.

p.s. lol stop worrying about it, you'll look fine in a dress

10:32 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

heys! thanks vince!
lol i'm on top of ya suggestions actually ^^ hehee..

now im tossing betwen the hard vs easy approach lol. final year subjects!!!!! hehee.

p.p.s. dress are awkward thing to get into .looool

10:40 PM  

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