it's all about critique..when it comes to the profound.

interesting how "perspectives" work.. they require patience and the will to listen and bother and care to take it in.
the same can be applied to disciplines such as science and faith. There is no point coming to conclusions without your reasons for them, otherwise it may be labeled as rash, spontaneous or ill-informed - a matter which is pointed out in the Bible too.
"...Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander." - 1 Peter 3:15-16
In science: data, collecting, examinations fall under the category of the - empirial. From this, one progresses learns and makes new discoveries.
Faith too has its empiriral aspects, that of living - it's experiences, and the lifechanging aspects in God's Word. One is tested, struggles, tries again. and makes discoveries of how little and imperfect the self is. This is observed by others around you, your friends your family etc.
In a way faith may appear much more confusing, as there are no hard fast rules of DNA, laws of mass action, physical principles etc to be replicated by another on the other side of the world.
The irony is, although everyone is different, one's faith on one side of the world can be placed in the same foundation as another. ie. their personal reasons may differ for how they came to a conclusion but to whom and what they place their trust and faith in doesn't - a neverchanging always was, is, and will be perfect God.
It is for those reasons one might like to consider finding out more about what the "what" and "whom" that may be of absolute truth is. An aspect that is not conjured up my the human mind. Thus logically follows, would have to be revealed.
the bible doesn't reveal a God that condemns science stating that if you were to be religious you abandon your intellect. No. It requires your whole - thought, persistence, experience and cooperation. So its ironic the other displine plans to out play the former. the Book of Scripture pertains to the spritual whilst the Book of Nature (science) pertains to the physical realitly. Cleary, each have their limits, but if written by the same Author, they would cohere and work together.
Food for thought:
Reasons never fail to capture my interests_
Dialogue between:
Richard Dawkins (biologist, evolutionist, passionately atheist.. one might consider him religious in that manner) & Francis Collins (geneticist, director of the Human Genome Project, Christian)
from TIME Magazine *link*
Interview with Francis Collins *link*
keep asking questions keep seeking answers =]
on the the side_
dedicating this year to science is taking a toll on my right brain.
I WANT TO DESIGN colourful random images and movies LOL .. not drugs XD
sigh. its a balance of both.
im growing to appreciate mathematics lol.
right brain 2 left brain 1
i shall be an artistic scientist says feng ^^
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