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Saturday, December 05, 2009

my friend has serious skin cancer
they are broke, borderline homeless
twenty+ years older than me
yet they say im the closest thing they have to home

i dont know what to do



Blogger Tash said...

oh Sandra =( that puts you in such a difficult situation. I can't give you any sound advice...but all i know is that you can be there to support your friend emotionally through their ordeal. You're only a student...there's not much else you can do! I'm certain there are ways that your friend can receive treatment, but I'm a bit ignorant and I don't know what those ways are...

Will the government let people die because they can't afford treatment?! =( that's inhumane.

Please update on what happens. I hope everything works out.

6:42 AM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

yer. XD its tricky..
but they seem to be okay, still cheery. saw them today =]

3:36 PM  

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