«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: i lack in cognitive capcity of BA10

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

i lack in cognitive capcity of BA10

BA 10. Broadman area 10, the temporal mind. responsible for thoughts ta do with time.. and planning to reach a goal that isnt direct, paths/small actions that lead to an end goal.

end goal: art/sci uni degree
planning: what to enrol in next sem

im completely indecisive and its a HUGE dilmenna for me.

option 1: death
maths, neuroscience, pharm, pharm prac
all subjects contribute to majors

option 2: the usual
three hardcore subjects + 1 cinema subject
maths, neuroscience, [insert subject], cinema
lighter overall workload.

it's the maths im really worried about. coz it counts for psych major.
or i could go all out insane and overload and do five subjects (4 major subjects and the cinema subject that is sounds so temptingly bludgy)

106-320 The Digital Mediascape
This subject explores the impact that digital technology has had in defining and mediating our interaction with the world around us. Tracing the historical development of digital culture, the focus will be on the impact that digital technology has had on traditional media such as television, film and music as well as the emergence of new media that include computer games, the internet, mobile phones and iPods.

A paper presentation submitted in online blog format of 1500 words 40% (due during semester). A written essay of 2500 words 60% (due at the end of semester).

grr. i wouldnt have this problem if melb uni was nice enough to offer more summer semester subjects of my major.. grr to the max.

eep.. the decisions!


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