«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: what nothingness turns out to be

Sunday, January 11, 2009

what nothingness turns out to be

i dont have much to say because too much as been happening each day that its been on big ass messed day.
lol does that even make sense?

anyways. it'll do a post on yesterday XD

many pplz were at a party so it really came down to..

what to do when there is nothing to do 0_0?


wow.. we really do having nothing to do. but bum ..hahha..

sitting down at max brenner with winnie sipping a cookieshake whilst grace busily does orders and collects the chocolate covered plates was entertaining ^^
but shopping for essentials for an overseas trip with sean, karlson, grace and winnie was more entertaining hehe..
to think you were bout to walk out without paying for something because you forgot you placed it under your arm.. hahahhha... gold
but yer.. those self check outs are kinda annoying if ya ask me. prolly not as fast if you had 4 extra staff on an express lane. but hey. people invent technology so they might as well use it.

random stop by mt. view primary school.
wow that primary school has changed soooo much since we graduted.
they have a HOCKEY COURT THINGY 0_0 cool.
and the playground is completely different besides ONE section we used to play marco-polo on.
but yer.. the new features are really complex ... how do you expect primary school kids to walk across it 0_0 i could barely make it. ow.such sore arms. x_x
yet more playground scratches for me XD this time on my arms instead of legs. bleh.bleh..

from this day forth i shall take care of my body more. XD well at least try.. been abusing it so badly XD

i had a video camera on me at all times XD


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL not as entertaining as doing the job i'm sure!

Man you sure made my day when we went shopping. HILARIOUS!!! HAHHAHA!

12:22 AM  

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